About Us
Provide education, learning and skills relevant for our time, and producing a God conscious person living the Qur’an and personifying the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.
To become The Choice Islamic Tertiary Educational Institution
Muhammadiyah Islamic College (MIC) can be considered as a pioneer post-secondary Islamic educational Institution in modern day Singapore. MIC aspires to be a premier provider of Islamic education at Tertiary level. MIC has achieved several milestones as an Islamic Tertiary Educational Institution in Singapore. Since it began in 2001, it has produced 4 batches of graduates with bachelor’s degree, Diploma and Certificate. MIC is registered with the Ministry of Education of Singapore and recognized as a private Islamic Educational Institution. MIC fills a key gap in the Muslim community for Tertiary Islamic Education. As a Tertiary institution it has a strategic role in providing holistic knowledge that will shape the values and quality of our future leaders. In doing so, MIC will become an Islamic Educational Institution relevant for our time. The education that MIC offers is holistic and integrates the learning with contextual relevance for both life application and career development. The values of our Deen sourced in the Qur’an and Sunnah as well as the rich heritage of our Islamic Civilization comes alive throughout our students’ educational journey in the College.
Education at MIC serves as a bridge for a person in striving forward to actualize the Qur’anic principles and concepts acquired in their pursuit for a Certificate, Diploma or Degree. In so doing, the graduates of this College live and personify the spirit of the Qur’an and the life of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. At MIC learning becomes an Ibadah. Thus, producing a Tauhidic person, who is in a constant state of God-consiousness and submissive to the Creator and Master.
To achieve the holistic learning experience, MIC are staffed with qualified lecturers who are passionate educators and share the College’s Educational Vision. MIC was setup by Muhammadiyah Association (MA), a voluntary self-help socio-religious organization that was established in 1957. MIC is one of the many social arms that MA has established to meet the needs of the community.